Pair options trading

pair options trading

Option pair is different from the average CFDs, Forex and options. The main role of assets took stocks, indexes, and commodities. This pairs options trading is unique and does not offer any currency pairs to predict.

This option is short-lasting and its time runs out in 30 or 60 minutes. Trader's goal is to make a profitable forecast. Unlike any average option, in pairs, the prediction should be made on increase or decrease position. Assets result is influenced by its growth. For example, in GOLD / SILVER pair growth a trader should make a forecast on that asset, that in his opinion will grow faster. The smallest investment amount on pair option is 20 dollars, the largest – 2500 dollars.

Advantages of pair options trading

Income from trading paired options can reach up to 82% of the investment amount.

A paired option can be sold, doubled and extended.

Asset - By pressing button "asset" you will open the whole list of available assets. Choose the correct one to open the movement schedule and make a deal.

Expiry - Choose the option's expiration time.

Amount - Choose the sum of investment.

Press "UP" if you think, that assets' price will increase over the strike price at the expiration time. Press "DOWN", if you think that assets' price will be lower than the strike's price at the expiration moment.

Flashing unit between buttons "UP" and "DOWN". This block is showing the price difference in real time. Green is growth, red is fall.

Expected payments - Depending on your decision making these are expected payments that you are going to receive by the end of the option.

Pay-out % - Option payout is %.

Remaining time - The time that is left until option's expiration.

Schedule view - It can be displayed in two ways: line and candle.

Reuter's schedule shows the assets' price movement.

Traders choice - Percentage indicator between trader's choice on the same asset.

Choose the period to know more about the assets' price movement.

Current pen positions.

Expired positions - Archive with expired positions.

Sell – function that allows closing option faster than it closes and returns some money from the deal.

Double up – function that allows investing in the asset by its current price.

Rollover – function that allows extending option.

See also:
Pair trading with options - benefits
Best brokers for options trading
What is options trading
Best options trading assets
Options trading platforms
60 seconds options
Types of options