Professional investor gave advice to novice investors

investor gave advice to novice investors

Advice to novice investors in a conversation with Forexof was given by financial coach and qualified investor Martin Duling.

"There are many investment options: securities, commercial and residential real estate, cryptocurrencies, art, precious metals. The easiest and most familiar way is bank deposits," said the specialist.

However, according to Martin, the interest offered by the bank is low, and it turns out that inflation is outpacing income. For investments to grow faster than inflation, you need to invest in assets that show growth of ten percent. Different securities give different yields: it can be six or seven percent, as in banks, or maybe 10, 15, 20 percent per annum.

Even small amounts with regular investment will give amazing results, the expert said. At the same time, he recommended that certain rules be followed.

It is important to regularly save money and choose assets that bring more interest. Martin also talked about the investment horizon: the more years we have to invest in stock, the more money.

In addition, he warned that you should not start investing money without having received training on the topic. "Before investing in the stock market or cryptocurrencies, you need to learn the basics to do it safely," he clarified and noted that the competent increase and preservation of capital is available to people of completely different levels of wealth.

Previously, investors were given advice on learning online trading in the financial market.

Important information: Derivatives trading provides a high level of return on investment, but is also associated with the possibility of losing your investment. Before starting trading, it is recommended to familiarize yourself with the trading conditions presented on the broker's website.

Tags: investing, learning, online trading

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